Back to School

Whether your children are veterans or this is their first year of school, starting the new year can be full of stress and anxiety. When sending your children back to school this year make sure you set a schedule and follow it! Setting a schedule that will work best for you and your family will help create structure within the home. It will also help reduce the anxiety throughout their day.

Mastering the Morning
The few hours before heading to school can be extra stressful for both children and parents alike. Kids are worried about what they are going to wear and trying to get their bags packed and ready to go. To help alleviate anxiety in the morning times, prepare backpacks and outfits the night before. Especially on the first day of school, when children are having to carry all of their supplies along with paperwork. Also, make sure your children eat a healthy breakfast in the morning. Morning meals should be high in protein and include minimal sugar. A quality breakfast will increase their alertness and start their day of right.

While at School
Children tend to start losing their energy and focus around lunch time, so make sure to pack them a healthy lunch. Some optimal options would include small sandwiches, fruits, cheeses, and plain yogurt. These types of foods are going to help them replenish the energy they had previously lost and give them an extra boost. Last but not least, make sure they get the recommended 8 hours of sleep, to ensure they have enough energy to get through the day.

After-school Fun
It is important for children to have some sort of physical activity after school. Whether they are on a sports team and have to practice or just a trip to the playground. Once coming home, homework and/or additional studying needs to be done. Choose a nice location for them to do their work, but while still being supervised. Where they study could depend entirely on what works best for them but could occur at the kitchen table, or in a study nook. It is also a good idea to hold a family dinner every night, if possible. This dinner can be used as bonding time for the members of the family as well it will keep you informed on your child’s day.
